Thursday, May 1, 2008

ESPN Ruins My Plans

It appears that ESPN has foiled my Micah Owings/Over theory before it even got off the ground. In one week his prowess at the plate went from insider/expert knowledge to something your girlfriend might catch on Sportscenter while waiting in line for coffee at Cosi, and then bring up later that day in an attempt to show you that she knows something about sports. Mainstream media- the gambler's best friend and worst enemy.

Anyway, we had a good night last night. We came out ahead at the books, and my beloved Wizards extended their compelling series against the Cleveland Whiners to a sixth game. Should be entertaining, if ultimately unsatisfying. The story of my life as a Wiz fan.

Hambone and I both have plays we kinda like today (I'm partial to the Rays this afternoon myself), but we can't seem to come to agreement on anything yet. We're leaning Jays tonight as underdogs with Burnett on the mound, but we'll see how things play out. No need to force the issue just to provide a distraction during the workday. Sometimes the best play is no play at all.

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